

I write songs for the same reason I create content that addresses the REAL PROBLEMS and the REAL SOLUTIONS; I want someone to wake us up from this nightmare of global enslavement. The only reason life is not all bad is because the method of appeasing us and pacifying us is full and plenty; and it keeps us from spending time to see as clear as we possibly can.


I believe we lived in paradise and took care of ourselves in ways far more advanced than we are familiar with today. We have been set back by the impatience of people among us who wanted things sooner than we were willing to build it. The method of resources control was applied to establish a state where people were simply a work-force ready to be put to work. This was accomplished because our constant need to cover the cost of basic necessities, required us to keep a job or start a business. The earth went through its expected cycle of detox to cleans it self of the frequency of disease as it always has. The reconstruction of the planet was met with the arrival of beings who had a great need for earth’s gold. These Beings decided to also restrict the inhabitant’s access to resources in order to contribute to the perpetuation of a labor force. Let your soul tell you what the truth as I share the stories I know through my song-writing.


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