Demonizing Money

 1. When it comes to health we have demonized many things that have apparently contributed to disease, sickness, obesity and yet these things have not stayed the hell away from us. Where there is no discipline there is no moderation and where there is no truth or knowledge of the food we should stay away from, there is no effort to lessen the consumption of such. The same applies to the use of money.

2. To hold on to the use of money simply because millions of others use it, can be considered a misdirection. You should only have to consider the scale of mistreatment that would take place if the banks no longer accepted money but a digital card. Without the card no one would have power to buy or sell, which means that the majority of resources will more than likely be controlled by who? Not people living off the grid, that’s for sure. Which means when these people need things, they will be denied.

3. So today most people are deceived and misdirected by having preference for money and concluding that they know what freedom is while being charged for the use of energy or utilities, shelter or mortgages, water systems, all in the presence of your so called freedom to barter. Just try and trade something for these things other than the use of money.

Note: Certain historical presentments would have you believe that independent indigenous people bartered or exchanged things that they needed with one another. This is a lie. They shared and distributed many things. In the sight of scarcity there is a difference.

Indigenous behavior towards scarcity:
 When an immediate abode did not produce something that is much needed, a sister abode (or community) would distribute (send/share) what was needed without,

1- threat to hold back or
2- neglect the value of the community (or abode)
in order to entertain a desire or effort to receive something which in some way would be considered of equal measure.

b) When resources became a scarce in several abodes, the elders were wise enough not to receive out of need. Only the sun, earth, air and water can sustain and if man occupies a land rich in aid who does not share, it was considered that they would only seek to conquer others and ultimately themselves. The elders would not deal with them and would live the life provide them by nature and not the selfishness of man.

4. When you go to the banks with a self-designed note/token or statement of your value, it most likely will not be accepted. The banks, the utility companies and the water companies will all tell you that they will not accept it as payment. And then, on top of it all, your time and the way you spend your time to achieve the type of money that they  –WILL–  accept, it’s all based on what an organization or someone other than yourself thinks your time is worth and again it’s based on a so called value of money, also metaphysically referred to as energy by use of the term “current” or “currency.” It should be obvious that not only does “money” get around, circulated and flow like energy in relation to the terms “current” or “currency” but so does ignorance, lies and injustice. These things are very current and full of currency and much energy with much more energy given to it. It just goes to show what people try not to see, because these things should be obvious. Somehow, most are misdirected so that these observations can be ignored or unthinkable.

5. Why are you demonizing money???? LOL, that’s just too funny to me. Sympathizing with the monetary system is no excuse for not seeing the adverse effects from the use of money and not sharing that information with others. The more we open our eyes, the better we will be able to express ourselves. And in reference to expressing ourselves, we need to be in the position to deliver and receive appropriate messages.

The devil is a mindset expressed from a position capable of magnifying their desires and applying supreme wisdom to their ability to influence people from any society to refrain from sharing a world with themselves.

The fear and distrust that humanity has towards one another is illogical, but they persist because man’s idea of death has been spoiled. Now the path of death is celebrated by living through a life of stress and disease. The few men and women who serve as messengers for humanity to uplift itself, are choked away by the consistent flood of maleficent suggestions and negative ideas all dressed up under words from people that say, “Buy Black” or “Get Money” or “Pray To God” or “Reach Out To Your Ancestors.”

The stability of a thriving community depends on active people who live together. In the same way that prayer is dead without works, ‘the law of living’ is dead without institutions that teach the youth how to help sustain communities as they grow older.

No one can pay us to do these things! The threat to be deprived of electricity, food, water and shelter should not be presented by man; it should be presented by nature. Natural consequences are threat enough for any community made up of a combination of too many inactive people, lack of network with other communities or lack of general stability.

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  1. MarieAntoinette

    Money has and will always be evil and used, we can’t buy or get anything without it in this world. I myself prefer the barter system but as we see many won’t let money go. I have found ways to spent less money compared to having to spend more. The electric company charges so much and many can’t afford to pay. We can use solar panels to curve the cost, but some countries like the usa punish folks for trying to save. I also found ways to save on water, by getting land and drilling for your own water.


    Gin Rose please add me to email list

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