The Nature Of The Pyramid Scheme

Today’s general people don’t use the term “Pyramid Scheme” any more because they don’t want to look stupid in the eyes of millions of people who are immediately aware of Multilevel Marketing companies such as Amway, Herbalife, 5Links, Organo Gold, MMM, Monavie, Avon, Mary Kay, and thousands of others.

Instead, the general people will mention how they notice a pyramid-like activity or MLM (multilevel Marketing). This usually means that they can imagine the process of activities in the format of a triangle or as a 2 dimensional structure, which otherwise CAN NOT be viewed in REAL-TIME as a shape identifying anything, let alone a triangle, or 3 dimensional triangle which is a pyramid.

Beyond the general people you have those such as Bill Ackman. He adds to the condition that people have developed as a turn-off towards activities or concepts resonating with terms such as ‘Pyramid Scheme’ which plenty of people usually extend as a turn-off towards MLMs. This was done when he had Herbalife brought up on charges for being a pyramid scheme merely so that he could capitalize off of their downfall in the stock market. He gambled half a million dollars to pull this off and lost as the courts rejected Bill’s claims. Yet he made money on his lost. And when the Court ruled, Icahn, Soros and Stiritz benefits on Herbalife’s stock performance. This is the part of the game where the general people will usually have no knowledge of while only being able to acknowledge that they don’t like pyramids schemes or MLMs.

So now the CONDITIONING is set by the term “RECRUIT.” The lines are blurred as both pyramid schemes and MLMs need to ‘recruit.’


By context alone this term addresses the diagrams that have a TRIANGLE shape with details explaining a compensation plan.




The foundation of this term rests on the term, “plan” (which can include a chart or diagram and graphics) followed by a separate illegitimate reference of the term “plan” under the context that the plan intends to be of ill benefit to others, generally associated with deception or trickery.


Together the terms Pyramid + Scheme = Unsustainable Growth & Collapse Prone activity as those on the lower level fail to bring in new participants, especially if there is no more people on the planet to recruit. But everyone knows this in reference to this kind of activity. It’s when those involved incur unexpected misfortune is when it is called a “SCAM” instead of a scheme.

Before we get into one of the remedies that they came up with for this situation, there is something VERY significant that you should note about this term “SCHEME” when it comes to business and economics. In a fair world where we were all on the same accord, no one would have to PLOT (scheme) to achieve something where the results can be viewed as being unsatisfactory or financially harmful to others; more specifically the economy. Who or what is the economy? This question has to be asked because where there is a scheme, the result of the scheme is known by all participants. A closer look at ‘Pyramid Schemes’ from people who make the economy what it is (community, state or country), actually reveals the decision made by their very conduct that they have pre-approved the type of collapse that these activities are known for. These activities are then repeated for one very simple reason, to provide opportunities for those who did not benefit from a previous pyramid scheme, to benefit from new existing pyramid schemes.  It’s a far better strategy than the lottery to raise funds for OUR COMMUNITY when we find that we want to better support our schools and medical services for extending families. Unfortunately the USE OF MONEY is a sign of mass psychology and conditioning to the point where no one even had the ability to question why they needed money. Neither do they have the ability to ask WHY they have to keep performing pyramid schemes. Where was the money going? Where were the free services within the community that their strategy for pooling money together should have paid for? These questions were far from being considered because the enemy was already among them working to create the type of mindsets that would only serve the interest of the enemy.

Things get worse as the enemy plots and plans (creating a cost of living) to find ways to disrupt the money transfer that would take place through pyramids schemes. Let me tell you how it is done. The enemy sets its collaborators up in storage places or markets under corporate terms and refer to them as franchises instead of recruits. They indirectly monopolize the cash flow and cut down your ability to pool your money together by making it super convenient for you to purchase products from their team in an industry known as BUSINESS.

So one of the remedies for ending the situations that pyramid schemes could create, was to rule that everyone must have a product to sell; this way everyone on the planet would have the opportunity to earn money from products they sold instead of just making a commission on recruiting people.

Franchising is multilevel marketing. People actually copy-cat these business practices in an effort to find financial success and never realize that they are hurting their community. I have devised a plan that piggy-backs the basic “buy & sell” activity that is meant to destroy the community, in a way that eludes the scheme meant to disrupt the pooling of money and the response that I always get is “this is like Multilevel marketing!” Take a look at it and you will see that my plan only DIRECTS you to accept purchases and to refer others towards making a purchase with someone else.

Out of 4 people, you receive support from 2 and send 2 to support someone else.
1. two people purchase from you
2. two people purchase from the person that you purchased from.

As you should be able to see, this has nothing to do with Multilevel Marketing. Multilevel Marketing actually involves:
1. recruiting people to sell items.
2. allowing the person who recruited them (sometimes even the one who recruited the person who recruited them) to receive a commission from their sell.

So my plan is not a MLM or pyramid scheme and it’s very simple. First you don’t even need me to tell you to allow someone to purchase something from you. If you’re already in so called ‘business’ then you’re already selling your services or products. All I’m asking you to do to help our community is to tell at least two of the people who support you about this plan, process or protocol, whatever you want to call it. Next, how hard is it to recommend a business to two people? Because that’s all you’re doing. There are no commissions involved. My plan is a simple execution of requesting someone to purchase something from either me, or someone else. It serves the purpose of controlling the cash flow and pooling the money from within the community towards the people who care about the community and will use the money to make the community a better place until we eventually no longer need money.


In order to understand the purpose for pyramid schemes, you have to know why money exist. Extreme insecurity and greed is why money exist. It is a sensation that will cause anyone of us to seek control. It is presented that money came in as a medium of exchange to facilitate a trade, because there were problems with bartering. Bartering is a concept that borrows from the deceptive idea that an individual did not have a responsibility towards the community, to the point of rejecting a trade if someone didn’t have what “THEY” wanted. If our truckers today felt like this, then the only things we would have in stores and distribution centers are the things that truckers THEMSELVES like.

So prior to bartering we were distributing our resources among one another until someone got tired of going to the storage places and seeing a bunch of things that they did not want. The idea to barter was specifically designed to gain control of community-to-community distribution in order to serve the purpose of personally rejecting unwanted resources and to accept the items most desired.

After finding other people interested in this idea, a bartering cartel is established and the participants make sure that they get what they want and as much of it as they want. Soon they are reminded that other members in each of their own communities favor certain resources as well, but by the time the cartel discovers the path of destruction that they are headed for, those who were once rejected were already returning to a non-barter distribution of resources that would soon cut the bartering cartel out of the picture. The solution for making sure that things did not return back to the way they were before; MONEY! The cartel created value in a piece of paper by merely presenting that those once rejected will be rejected no more, as long as they had this special piece of paper. The plan was to accept the resources that were once rejected but only a certain amount. It was an excellent plan because it meant that the rejection would still be in play, though merely in a very subtle way.

They flooded the communities with these pieces of paper that was meant to make bartering easy and hope that the once rejected would forget about how they were mistreated. Now everyone is back to community-to-community distribution again, except they are doing it under the dollar (Money).

The ability to team up and manipulate a distribution system simply to get more of the type of things that were desired by impatient and emotionally undisciplined individuals, resulted in experiencing a taste of control that lead to ideas for maintaining the type of control that would secure their interest and ease their fear of not being able to acquire enough of a particular resource for themselves. Instead of rejecting the bartering cartel’s solution, it was accepted. The community’s negligence gave the cartel time to realize that they could gain even more control. Two things were to happen as the new generation emerged.

1. Money would be desired instead of the work.
2. People would be paid to produce and continue to distribute “MORE OF” the resources that the cartel finds more interesting.

The cartel is happy because they still have a way to get everything they want and as much of it as they want.

So the cartel created money and considered themselves to purchase the world. First they rejected the producers and resource distributors (disrupting the balance of resources distributed between communities) and then offered to restore resource-community-flow by accepting producers and resource distributors if they used their money. Thousands of communities gave up their resources to use money under the idea that the flow would return.

People became consumed by self gratification on a lesser scale as they fell from the grace of the type of self gratification so broad that it encompassed the community and ways that people benefited from the community in a well balanced distribution of things to be used in multiple areas. Once these ways were forsaken and the distribution practices abandoned, certain areas within the community became neglected; interest and passion for doing certain things were lost.

When it was discovered that older children could not read, or that certain people did not have enough money and people began to see homelessness and hunger, they used a pyramid scheme to get the money of the town to go into the areas of the community that needed it most. This is the nature of the pyramid scheme.

Here is the story on a larger scale: THE NEW DEAL

Again, take a brief look at this mess, that so many of you try and put others down for under the name of pyramid schemes:

Out of the efforts to help repair the community that I have mentioned here as well as provide links to American history that is very similar to my story, organizations popped up to continue pyramid schemes, today they are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Where do they and the government get their money???? Please tell me that they get it from you, as if you print money as a community. If I continue with my story, what I would tell you is that these groups that formed in order to produce more pyramid schemes in order to help the community, were later infiltrated by groups similar to Fannie and Freddie who work closely with the banks and government. Today, it’s up to the community all over again to get their mess straight.

For the first thirty years following its inception, Fannie Mae held a veritable monopoly over the secondary mortgage market. In 1968, due to fiscal pressures created by the Vietnam War, Lyndon B. Johnson privatized Fannie Mae in order to remove it from the national budget. At this point, Fannie Mae began operating as a GSE, generating profits for stock holders while enjoying the benefits of exemption from taxation and oversight as well as implied government backing. In order to prevent any further monopolization of the market, a second GSE known as Freddie Mac was created in 1970. Currently, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac control about 90 percent of the nation’s secondary mortgage market. {}


Before anyone tries to address this note to tell me that paper money was made to serve as a promise to give coins-in-holding by banks to its owners, I want you to realize 2 things.

1. What is money? It’s not coins, it’s a concept. (a concept of value)
2. That is what I am presenting to you, the concept, not that paper money was created without the history and prevailing references that you can easily find today.
Click on the link above and learn!!!

Notice how people profess to being PROFESSIONAL; a business person. Would you have ever thought that people could be so clueless to community principles and indigenous efforts to stabilize resource abundance so that we can route distributions that we are able to establish any place imaginable  – on land or sea?

The monetary system was establish along with a penal system. From a time when people were physically enslaved, they should be able to realize that the reason they can not determine the harm in comparison – means that they share attributes.

1. Pyramid collapse – no population of people TO PAY the last of those who have paid.
2. The monetary system – A private creation, printing and control of the money, which was never designed to give money to everyone.

As a once enslaved people who are still controlled by enslavement ideas such as a monetary system, how can they NOT see the obvious solutions for rendering the “MONEY” that is supposed to control their lives via challenges toward access to resources, so “USELESS” that they would have to come up with something else to entertain themselves through slavery ideas?







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